How it works

Create your free profile to access thousands of custom-matched providers.

Sign Up for Path-Now

What happens when you create your free profile?

Path-Now connects you to the person or organization of your choice! 1. Register your account 2. Once registered, you will complete your profile by answering a series of questions that relate to who you are, what services you are looking for, and any preferences you have about your potential service provider. 3. When you have completed your profile, you will be able to explore providers on our platform that are custom-matched to you.

How Path-Now Makes It Easy.


Create A Profile

Individuals, a family member, care provider, or professional staff create a free profile answering questions related to types of service needs, preferences regarding the service or services searching for as well as preferred organization characteristics.


Click To Be Matched

Once profile is completed, with the click of a button, individuals can instantly see organization profiles listed in order of percentage of match to individual’s profile responses and read about each potential service provider.


Choose To Connect

Individuals can then choose to connect with organizations by clicking the connect button for that organization.  Individual can chat directly with the organization within Path-Now or will receive a notification to contact organization using contact information in the organization’s profile.

Why Path-Now

There is no statewide system or directory of all community service providers for individuals to access needed services. Path-Now serves as an interactive, customized, accessible system, for individuals to connect with needed services throughout California.

How It Works

Path-Now connects you to the person or organization of your choice! Confirm your location contact information, service needs and submit the request, and Path-Now will connect you to a local service provider.

A Path For Clients To Providers

A path for clients to connect with local service providers at no cost. For providers, Path-Now provides a safe, accessible, and secure path to connect with thousands of clients at a low cost.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Elon Musk

“I think it’s important for individuals to use Path-Now because it’s a very useful tool that will enhance independence skills and self-advocacy skills. With Path-Now every individual that is interested in services can take control and initiative to search, learn and connect with the providers and professionals in a safe manner. Path-Now makes the important information more accessible for everyone in the community.”

Viri Salgado

Client Information Specialist and Advocate at San Diego Regional Center
Elon Musk

“I like Path-Now. It really allows me to connect with the community, answer any questions, provide services, and it bridges that gap of communication to connect with the community at a bigger scale all in a click of a button.”

Daisy Bracamontes

CEO at Social Impact Services
Elon Musk

“I recommend other service providers to be on Path-Now. It provides that one-stop shop for a client participant or an individual to find services readily available that suits their needs. So it’s very individualistic and also person-centered.”

Marissa Chavez

Executive Director at GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego
Elon Musk

“Path-Now, we needed you yesterday! When we first heard about this new resource, we were almost stunned to realize its potential. At its best, the app bridges the gap between the unknown and the known and cuts through months of research self-advocates and parents have done on the journey to resources for optimal quality of life. We found several options for our son on Day One. Looking forward to continued participation!”

Julie Randolph

Parent (Poway Parent Advocates Seeking Solutions)

S.A.F.E. for Clients

Secure. Accessible. Free. Easy.

With the push of a button, access California’s largest network of service providers in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Community. From independent living services to job coaching and recreational day programs, you are custom matched in Path-Now to your local provider community. Within minutes, you will receive access to hundreds of providers.

I Need a Path-now!