Become A Path-Now Partner Today!
With over 9,600 organizations - and growing - already listed on our platform, we are actively seeking the right partners who share our vision: to empower individuals, support families, and create lasting change for those in need. By partnering with Path-Now®, your organization will have the opportunity to make a tangible difference, extending the reach of your services, products, or resources to those who need them most. In addition, our partnership packages offer valuable benefits and exposure that will allow your organization to become a key player in this growing movement of over 400,000 individuals in the disability community in California.
Partnership Opportunties & Pricing
Become a Path-Now Partner and gain exposure to over 9,600 organizations and thousands of individuals in California!
Navigator Partnership Benefits:
$ 2500
12-month sponsorship term
Logo added to Path-Now home page with hyperlink to Partner website
Logo included within Path-Now Powerpoint Presentation
Logo featured in all Monthly Path-Now Newsletters (1,100+ subscribers)
Organizational Highlight Feature (Promoted on all social media platforms)
Upload one blog into the Path-Now website library (Promoted on social media)
Logo displayed on Path-Now exhibit tables at events
Present at one Path-Now Lunch & Learn or Social Mixer
Expedition Partnership Benefits:
$ 5000
12-month sponsorship term
Logo added to Path-Now home page with hyperlink to Partner website
Text Introduction (150-word limit) and logo added to Path-Now Partnership page with hyperlink to Partner website
Logo featured in all Monthly Path-Now Newsletters (1,100+ subscribers)
Logo included within Path-Now Powerpoint Presentation
Logo displayed on Path-Now exhibit tables at events
Organizational Highlight feature with 1on1 interview (All social media platforms)
Upload two blogs to the Path-Now website library (Promoted on Social Media)
Present at one Path-Now Lunch & Learn or Social Mixer
Exhibit table at one Path-Now Lunch & Learn or Social Mixer